
The Ultimate Side Dish Site- where side dishes live.

Welcome to The Ultimate Side Dish site. This site came about while my husband and I were trying to find some new side dishes for a meal. We noticed that there really wasn't a website dedicated to just side dishes and realized the need for one. We look forward to bringing you great side dishes for every meal. Bon Appetite!
 Also when you try a side dish, email us and let us know what you thought of it. We will post reviews of the recipes so people can learn what is the good, the bad and the ugly in the side dish world.
Be sure to check out our Weebly blog. There we will archive the recipes on the website after 60 days so we can find new ones for everyone to try.

The Side Dish of the Month is....
HALUSKI (Fried Cabbage and noodles)
Very simple, very cheap, and sooooo good. I was raised on this stuff!
Ingredients is:
1 stick of butter
1 head of cabbage
1 large or 2 medium onions
1 tsp onion powder
salt and pepper to taste.
1 12 ounce bag of noodles.

Place 1/2 the stick of butter in a large deep skillet. (I use a 16inch electric fry pan)
Peel, wash, dice onion and put in butter on low heat so it begins to cook.
Wash and slice cabbage in strips (Like a tomato for sandwiches)
Add cabbage to frying onion. put lid on pan and stir frequently
In a pot cook noodles according to package directions and strain. Let them set in strainer and frequently stir onions and cabbage until it has fried down and begins to brown. Add onion powder and salt and pepper to cabbage mixture, stir in noodles. ( You can run water over them if they have begun to stick) continue to stir, fry, and add seasoning to taste. After the noodle are thoroughly mixed in and heated through serve.
This is the way we ate it. However some Amish folk add sausage to make it more of a complete meal.
it is a 10 all the way for us....due to simplicity, taste and very economical! ENJOY!
Here  is a recipe that a friend shared with us recently. It is a great dish and very easy to make.
This was given to us by Beth Ann Lindenmuth...courtesy of her late Aunt Leona. Thanks Beth Ann- even our kids liked it. ☺
